The Girl Snowy Night Premonition Poem by Sherif Monem

The Girl Snowy Night Premonition

The girl in her room
watching a cold night
The snow was falling
the sun was setting
The wind was blowing
The ice snow flakes
flying up in the air
hitting the lone tree
The girl in her bed sick
Felt pity for the tree
Her mother near her praying
She told her mother
Mom I have abomination
If in the morning light
if all the tree leaves fall
I will I will soon die
The tree leaves kept falling
The mother kept crying
saying What will happen
to my daughter in the morning
with all this wind and snow?

In the middle of the night
The man living the above floor
was singing loud going downstairs
the girl was awaken
She told the mother
The drunkard man
is loud and looks drunk
She went to sleep
her mother comforted her
there was queit peace
only the sound of the wind
hitting the room walls

as the day morning broke
the girl told the mother
open the window curtain
I want to see the tree
if any leaves left?
yes, there are leaves
Mom I am cured
Mom I do not feel sick

The mother was surprised
She ran down stairs
Went to the ravaged tree
She saw the drunken man
in the snow have died
Beside him was tree branch
With artificial leaves hanging
The mother realized what happened
Why the man was all the night
singing loudly beneath the tree
The mother hurried up to her daughter
She told her the drunkard man
living in the floor above has died
She told her he was great man

Thursday, January 5, 2017
Topic(s) of this poem: falling,girl,leaves,sad,snow,story,tree
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