The Golden Child Poem by BTS Chocolate

The Golden Child

Rating: 5.0

You see that child, let your eyes absorb their glory
That goody two shoes of a child is what they say
Exceptionally bright, higher hopes then the rest
What a fabulous child their parents say
Perfect to the tee
Jealousy flows from the words of their siblings
The treatment isn't just the same they speak
You're the reason you tore our family apart the child replies
That child's soul is flawless
Guilt eats on their self-doubt
The child craves fulfillment with an A on every grade
Failure is not an option
B's do not make its mark on their report card
Or else concern comes out to play
Everyone the child pleases without a doubt in the world
Yet, the child blocks out criticism as if it will ruin self-image
You're wrong, their right, let's get that straight
Feelings and thoughts aren't on the same level the child thinks
No empathy insight, cry your tears to someone else
Competitiveness flickers in the child's eyes, beware
Losing is what you're going to receive
The golden trophies line their wall with all the rest
Who is this child?
Is this child human?
No, the child is golden to the bone

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