The Good In The Light And The Bad In The Dark Poem by James McLain

James McLain

James McLain

From Tampa Florida And Still Living Near By

The Good In The Light And The Bad In The Dark

In shadows cast by silhouettes stark,
Where darkness reigns and fears embark,
I'll spin a tale of contrasting might,
Of the good in the light, the bad in the dark.

Behold the light, a golden hue,
A beacon true, forever in view,
It dances upon the meadows fair,
In the sun's embrace, life's burdens it'll bear.

In the light, the good does thrive,
Hope and love in hearts arrive,
Kindness blooms with gentle grace,
Illuminating each humble space.

From laughter's peal to friendships dear,
In the light, joys never disappear,
Compassion's touch, a soothing balm,
A symphony of souls, a sacred psalm.

But hark, the darkness has its part,
A shadowy realm that tests the heart,
Within its depths, the bad does dwell,
Whispering tales that hold us in its spell.

Yet, from the dark, strength can emerge,
Lessons learned, though hardships surge,
For in the depths, resilience takes flight,
Defying the shadows, reclaiming our light.

Through adversity's tempest, we find,
A path to growth, a chance to unwind,
The bad in the dark can teach us well,
To rise above and break its spell.

So let us cherish the light's gentle glow,
Embrace its warmth, let compassion flow,
And when the shadows encroach on our way,
Let us remember the strength to stay.

For in the light, the good shall persist,
In our hearts, a flame, forever kissed,
The bad in the dark, a fleeting arc,
For the good in the light shall leave its mark.

James McLain

James McLain

From Tampa Florida And Still Living Near By
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