The Great Whirling Dance Poem by Dr. Madan Gandhi

The Great Whirling Dance

Within us and the universe
the great whirling dance goes on
each particle constantly aware
of the choreographed steps

So are the dervishes aware
of where they are
of the movement
of all of the other dervishes
what direction they are each going
what commands dancemaster is giving

Normally while spinning around
in some choreographed manner
it seems utterly impossible
to simply whirl without getting dizzy
let alone be aware of every little detail
of the movement of other people as well

Until you are led to discover a still point within
constantly to revolve and dance around
and radiate outward from that still point
your grounding in the dance is not complete

Till then you need constant practice
to reestablish the still point
the clean slate
from which to encounter their core
and the world afresh

From that still place
you see everything clear, in slow motion
with a calm and inner-knowing
as nothing short of miraculous

You experience this quiet calm in meditation
in a state of prayer when you turn
offering all of yourself to God
your spinning body gravitates
naturally to an utterly still point in the center
towards and from which every thing radiates

Once you discover that still point
and live centered on it
the world is transformed
diversity is overshadowed by Unity
Love, Harmony and Beauty
everywhere abound in a stillness
where the doer and doing disappears
only the light-bliss of awareness remains.

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Dr. Madan Gandhi

Dr. Madan Gandhi

Lahore, India
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