The Hard Road Poem by William Kofoed

The Hard Road

all alone I then did walk
down a long lonely road
lost within the thoughts of mine
in words that did not rhyme

hard asphalt beneath my feet
and gravel that ran beside
hard bright sun that beated down
without a cooling breeze

words I spoke to the land
empty and desert dry
no creature was there to hear
the anguish which I cried

many long days did I walk
and countless miles long
till to a place did I come
and did enter in

people there my words did hear
and in wondering awe
found a message there in them
that they longed to hear

I did pause in that place
and my words did say
and they listened unto me
unto what I did say

and in my words a message they
of meaning then did hear
of my thoughts unlike theirs
one they did not like

they did then turn away
my words they would not hear
till I stood all alone
with in that crowded place

and I wondered deep and long
at what they would hear
if those words I could say
and be at peace with me

anguish tore deep at me
battles fought deep within
the price to pay to be with them
a price I would not pay

with dragging steps I did trod
again upon the road
turned my back upon the place
and slowly walked away

hot sun does burn down
and anguish burns inside
the road is not as hard
as the pain inside of me

still I walk upon the road
is still my words I say
cast my words upon the land
the words they will not hear

Sunday, December 22, 2019
Topic(s) of this poem: poetry
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