The Impending War Poem by P K Joy

The Impending War

You tried all means to silence me.
You set many traps to banish me,
To ensure that I don’t remain a threat
To you when you fleece the public chest.

When clandestine schemes to kill me failed
You planned to keep me shut up and nailed
With criminal cases cleverly framed
For I exposed many a fraudulent deed.

You tied me with the rope of false allegation,
Dragged me to court with ‘bought’ prosecution
Got me convicted with judicial corruption
And imprisoned me with malicious intention.

Keeping me in the prison, you had raped my wife.
Demoralized, the lady ended her young life.
You made my children run away from my home,
And take shelter in a destitute home.

You managed to set my house on fire,
The only saving I made from life-long labour.
You launched litigation and grabbed my little land
So that outside the prison, there’d be no roof over my head.

I’ve come out from the prison with raging fire
Of fierce determination for waging a major war
The war of intellectuals to banish you scoundrels
And liberate the country from political criminals.

Beware you blood-suckers and parasites on the honest
Soon you’ll face the intellectuals’ conquest,
The war against the corrupt and criminalized politicians
The war to usher in peace for people and nations.

P K Joy

P K Joy

Mavelikara in Kerala State of India
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