The Land Grab Poem by Jan Oskar Hansen

The Land Grab

The lay of the land

Ramadan is going green; eat cabbage stew before dawn
and leave the cattle feel safe from men with long knives
I think of Israel, a none Muslim state, where the Jews
are demonstrating against the fanatics, who are, at heart
Fascists; the wish is, for them, to extend to lend a hand
to the long-suffering Palestinians.
In Europe, people are tired of the proxy war between
Russia and the USA; they are finally seeing Ukraine for
what it is, a fascist country that, with the help of NATO
Illegally grabbed power; they are wrong to think that
NATO fights for them.
It is with sorrow I see Finland joining the NATO outfit
that will build bases near the Russian border and sow
Discontent in a nation of thousands of lakes that have lived
In peace, with the larger neighbour, since 1954.
One wonders when Germany will break free of chains
Saddled with the burden of the past, weighing them down.
The French are marching in the streets, protesting to
the curtailing of their right; but it is a pointless struggle
unless they - the people- declare a general strike
till Macron's regime falls.

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