The Love Song Of Lorenzo To His Newly Beloved Poem by Larry Lynn

The Love Song Of Lorenzo To His Newly Beloved

Rating: 5.0

Let us go, now, you and I,
to where we've never been, to foreign lands,
revived, a renaissance, together, hand in hand;

let us travel now unknowing what we may find,
where others feared to tread,
where many dared not go,
the memories of past tragedies,
the woes of wills gone wildly wayward,
the thrill of wandering wakefully as one.

Nor shall we ask, "What if...? " or "Why...?

Let us just go headlong, instead,
through stormy seas and endless skies,
parched patches of deserted dunes,
lost footprints in the sands of time,
lose senseless meanings in lost worlds of rhyme,
exploring nuances and novel things,
no need for necklaces or diamond rings,
just two new friends once left apart,
now watching Any Human Heart
and Bridesmaids, too,
for both our pleasure and our bliss.

There comes a time, there will be time
to battle all the ancient foes of yore
that plagued us both for many years,
that caused us flow so many tears,
to forge the shield, protective force,
to wield the sword against all adversity,
I, your protector, for all eternity -
a time for you and time for me
to see ourselves for who we want to be.

There will be time to cautiously decide
what each to each should ask ourselves or not,
to know what secrets deep may lie within,
or how we seem to those we meet upon the street:
"How much in love they seem those two who walk as one, "
and do I dare presume that they are right
who see us as we seem - not as we are,
to them too close, and yet not far?

And should we listen when what words they have to say

have naught to do with our personae or reality,
nor what we are to each as we know in our minds?

For I have put myself disrobed for you, you know,
as openly, and you to me affirmed: "Let's go! "

I have spent my anguished life through hill and vale,
through verdant plains, and by the shores,
in search for solace, certainty, and assurances -
yet none were there though I should seek for evermore.

So now, shall I pretend?
Shall I contend that there is more to life than this
that I have spent and turn myself within
without the chance to see what is amiss?

Shall I at last stand by the side of one
who dares decide to take the plunge
into abysmal chasms deep
replete with all the vast unknown?

No, I have seen you not by light of day
nor felt your sweltry flesh by sultry night
yet know how soft like downy fluff your skin,
like flaxen silk your blazing strands that glow,
those azure eyes that see the passion of my soul,
those ruby lips emblazoned with deep hue of blood
red blushing sentries standing guard
against vile trespass strangers foul alurking in the wood.
My ears drank in the voice angelic sweet refrains
uplifting me to aether heights as if on cherub's wings
with joy - no, sheer elation, near orgasmic thrill
with just the thought to join both hearts and wills
in unison, to walk through ancient years as though
we never lived before we chose this path to go.

And shall we lie as one in still repose
aware of what had gone before
content to give and take the best of all
undaunted by the scourge of years,
imperious to the pains, the lethal blows,
the pangs that cut you to the core,
the swirling vortex, my untimely fall
into malaise and sea of silent tears?

I am the one who is but all you see
no more, no less with all myself to give
for now, and all the time we have to live,
as two equalities in their own odyssey.

And you are all I ever hoped you'd be,
the one whose I and you could make a we.

Therefore, dear love, I shall pursue until
you catch me in your loving hold,
unbound and free, timeless, bold,
and stay so long as is your will.

Then, at my life's end my voice will say,
"Oh, how I lived and loved it all, "
and just your smile will the truth essay
for both of us to triumphantly recall:
that we have found in each boundless delight
with words and voice before first sight,
electric pulses permeating all the air
between the one who craves your presence there.
Then, as our feelings grow in fervor, deep,
then shall we rest in love and placid sleep?

And will you then still hold me in the night
as I hold you, my princess, queen, my light?

Will we in our rheumatic states still want
to touch each other's fading hair,
skin wrinkled from the elements,
awaken the libido long asleep
and reach within to touch our urges deep?

Alas, dear lass, we are not old nor grey
and hold our own as we did years ago,
and you, my rose, remain as buds in May
as young and fresh when new winds blow.

We both have trod this rutted road alone,
till then when both our fated threads had crossed
to put your soul and mine at peace and ease
as we together cross fierce, stormy seas,
lest one or both of us alone be lost
our quest to live our lives as two be won.

Then at the end of this long, endless day,
we look ahead at all that God Hath wrought:
the joy of life in giving all we are,
the songs of birds, the light of evening star,
the rainbow's end, all saints and angels' wings,
the wonders of creation, simple things,
and we then turn in peaceful death
with just last prayers to say.

Wednesday, September 20, 2017
Topic(s) of this poem: love and life
This parallel form to the original one now addresses a newly developed beloved who is no longer imaginary but very real.
Dawn Novus 20 September 2017

God please keep this Poet Love of his is gift to us.

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Seema Sharma Rimi 20 September 2017

I have spent my anguished life through hill and vale, through verdant plains, and by the shores, in search for solace, certainty, and assurances - yet none were there though I should seek for evermore. Nicely penned, thanks poet for it. 10+

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