The Man Behind The Poetry Poem by GUY MAGGIO

The Man Behind The Poetry

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why do we write poetry and story? he is alone dreaming of long ago, telling the world here am I living with a soul, He has very little friends and family that one dreams about having, he may say I don't fit in or no one understand, who am I? will he understand him self? he knows time is moving along will he be left behind? he thinks so, so here he is writing and telling everything that is going on, no one cares or thinks about his life story makes no sense with it all, he thinks his life is just another rain drop, you see it and than it will be lost in all, alone and cold he is reaching out in time and space for any one too hear him calling, here am I, here am I, you see me? I will not go until the world hear me out, I find stories where ever I go and give it all. now I must go and to a place that no one knows so I could write my many dreams and thoughts, this will be my last to tell because this will be about me my life story and all.

Guy Maggio

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