The Man In A Bottom Of Apit Poem by Benjamin Chiu Uy

The Man In A Bottom Of Apit

The Man In The Bottom Of A Pit

Remember, but never to forget your pasts,
All the lights in the summer skies,

All the scented miniature candle sticks and greeting cards on birthday cakes,

As you snuffed out the flames gorged on the cakes and ice cream.

The continuing oxidations and deprivations of air,

Body tears and the wearing out of patience,

As stress more stress, induce small pains on the athletic honed body,

Something like the climbing of transits stairs and the lack of air.

The body can-be taught that much more belonging the younger generation.

As like air they are open to movements and locommotions.

The grace of their gaiety and spring joy,

The never ending spectacles of sights and sounds,

Much less the knowledge that an old man needed a hand on the bus steps or a profferedseats for an elderly.

The world in a reversal of fortune and constituents.

You would understand and recall all that had been will never come again and waits on the darkened chambers,

This unacceptable fate which is how toleave it gracefully.

Although grace was never an easy pill to swallow after knowing so much and so difficult this tests would lasts,

The ending of a story and how you began.

A man on top of the world.
Now in the bottom of a pit.

Wednesday, September 26, 2018
Topic(s) of this poem: aging
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