The Massive Banyan Tree Poem by GOBINDA SAHOO

The Massive Banyan Tree

For generations stands high headed
the banyan tree massive
at the dead-end of the village
to the left of the trail.

Wavy, uneven and drape it appears
as wide as threshing-floor
droop as if are ropes and lashes,
the hanging roots from the branches.

From ages of great-grand-father
all the known faces
did climb and swing in it
in their tender ages.

Birds in flocks- myna and partridge
daylong they do all congregate
they are in a market as if
when banyan fruit begin to ripe.

In the summer afternoon ever
when heated are all the roads
taking rest here all wayfarers
continue their journey once more.

When for marriage the bridegroom comes
the wedding band from here begins
nuptials when culminates, day or night,
given farewell is the bride.

Corpse in cortege dismounted here
all women homeward do turn
smearing paste of amla, turmeric
and leaving all its belongings.

Thieves or burglars in some nights
plundering all the riches
in the blanket of the dark night
under the banyan tree they divide.

In the evening the lover does wait
for his adoring beloved
make a vow under this tree
and both do plan for a flee.

Sees, knows and evaluates all
but silent ever it remains
speaks not as a mute witness
spreading arms with all strength.

Translated from original Koshli poem 'Dhodo Bargachh' of Haldhar Nag

Friday, October 14, 2016
Topic(s) of this poem: poem
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