The Methuselah Of The Blessed Land Poem by GOBINDA SAHOO

The Methuselah Of The Blessed Land

Rating: 3.5

The land to which you owe
The mother on whose grey lap you grow
Might be with all gracefulness
Showering blessings with all gracefulness
For you proved the love
Among once two unknown beings
You showed the lantern
To all on the earth, subjects or kings.

The memorial monument that you made for her tomb
In your heart is no less than the Taj Mahal
The offspring you are blessed
To give company are but angels
To boost your strength in all walks.
What you mean is all give and never to take
What you feel is all live and not to look back
What you kill is all ego and all esteem you forgo
What the world can all do for you
Is but to salute and salute you
Love and bless you.

No stars there for you to pluck
And fix in the cupboard
Among constellation of achievements.
No cloud hovers over
To bless the next year's granary
With suitable spell of shower.
The sun would have ceased to work for a while
To witness what a love the earth occurring
The earth might have ceased to move for a flash
To bless such a he-man, a rich man
Never before on the earth was seen.
Blanketed in the darkness of indifference of many
Not to let the love's body rot
With the apathy of those who meant.
Seeing a rainbow that did not follow a shower
Feeling oneself as no other than her
Any with her love arched as a bower.

Dana Majhi, the Methuselah of the blessed
And blamed land you will turn,
I'm sure, many bright days to the land will come
On whose blessed innocent land you are born.

Thursday, October 13, 2016
Topic(s) of this poem: poem
It is about the love of Dana Majhi for his deceased wife.
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