The Mocker Of My Midnight Bliss Poem by Adams Elizabeth Oyarese

The Mocker Of My Midnight Bliss

Rating: 3.8

Have not thee raised thy ugly self
A killjoy upon life's shelf
So much that thou art truly known
By both the young and grown

Thy rays a burden to my face
Which brings forth no grace
To raise me up from peaceful rest
Thou inevitable night pest
For so long cease not I to wonder
Why thy twelve seem longer than your brother's

A curse art thou upon my head
To bid me farewell from my comfort bed
Thou brings forth heavy heat and sweat
A burden to my cold peaceful earth

I like to dream and doth dream big
Of riches joy and peaceful hymn
But dou like a troubling pinkish pig
Crawls up the sky
to incomplete my dream

Grown have I to learn that I must lay
With one eye partially opened
Awaiting the curse that men call day
A mocker of my midnight bliss

Though I wrap me up a thousand timesAvoiding me thy yellow shine
Yet ye travel still through countless miles
To disturb these sleepy eyes of mine

I hate thy intruding jealous hands
A splitter of lovers apart
I hate thy burning golden eye
A burning flame that melts my heart
Again I hate thy yellow rays
Bringing me boring endless days

If asked was I why hate me thee
I hate thee for killing my dreams...

Thursday, June 4, 2020
Topic(s) of this poem: midnight,sunshine
Jazib Kamalvi 06 June 2020

Write comment. Such a nice poem, A. E. O. Read my poem, Love and Iust. Thanks

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