The Old Us Poem by Laeloni Nichole

The Old Us

June 22,2013:

So, it's been a month. I can still feel your touch. I miss that. Remember that day when you came from practice and we were playing around and i was pretending like i was mad at you. I turned away and folded
my arms. You had them put your hand on my hip and turned me around. Pulling me closer you looked into my eyes and said ' I missed you '. At that point you kissed me so softly, having me remember how much
i loved you. Then you gave me a hug and told me that you loved me. I felt so special... I wish i had you back. Sometimes i still cry thinking about our good times. We probably would've still been together if i wasn't
thinking about myself. Now here we are. You hating me and me regretting everything. I can't get over you. I've loved you since the 5th grade. Lol, i remember how you use to wanna ALWAYS take pictures with me.
That day when my friend took that picture of us kissing and we were both looking stupid. Our face expressions when we seen that picture. Haha, we burst into laughter. Or that picture where i was touching your butt
and you were looking all shocked. Lol, just because i'm a girl doesn't mean i can't touch your butt and like it. I still remember the late night talks on the phone about the future. You always talked about marrying me
and having twins. Girl twins. You picked the most ugliest names, and when i'd tell you they were ugly you'd get mad. But i'd think it was cute cause it seemed like you really wanted a future with me. I miss you so
much. The other week i was teaching my best friend how to french kiss, weird to say. But i was instructing her and her boyfriend how to do it.. We were right next to that spot where we kissed in the rain after school.
I was trying to hold the tears back in front of them, because i still remembered how we called them the smaller versions of us. Now there is no us. I miss you so much. I wanna kiss you so bad right now. I miss how
when we'd kiss, i'd have to stand on my tippy toes because you were like 6 inches taller than me. And even when everyone was telling me to dump you because you were ugly to them, i didn't. I was madly in love with
you. You were beautiful in my eyes. We were so cute together. Now we're not together.I miss you. I wanna be in your arms right now like usual. I want to be on my tippy toes, kissing your soft lips. Then i wanna
cuddle, like we use to do. I wonder, do you miss me? Do you think about me still? Do you ever think about the old us still? Are you wanting to talk to me just as much as i'm wanting to you? Probably not. I juss miss
you so much. I wish we were back together. I still love you.

Adeline Foster 03 July 2013

Well you've made a brave start. Just remembear there are other subjects besides love, love lost! You'll make a poet yet. Read mine - Bloom of Youth - Adeline

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