+ The Old Wooden Cross Poem by Jordan Legaspi

+ The Old Wooden Cross

The old wooden cross

The old wooden cross
To the mountains, plains, and seas across
Standing still day and night with a story to tell
All over the land time after time something to reveal

The old wooden cross
To the corners of the earth fresh scene after scene
The picture of yesteryears the whole world had seen
While they watched from the heaven the hanging of their prince

The old wooden cross
Human by design: pride and power the triumph of death
Hanged the man the promised Adam
Sin after sin nailed him not for death but for the rebirth

The old wooden cross
Reminds me of Judas who betrayed Jesus
The man who wonder over the land searching for his precious ones
Greatest teacher: powerful and savior yet a servant

The old wooden cross
The turning point of human history
Out of a tree salvation is already possible for all
Jesus of Nazareth the Father only Son the only ransom

The old wooden cross
Wherever I would be- the same story I heard
The cross that Jesus carried for you and for me
Scratch and turns and wounds represent the fallen

The old wooden cross
Made me to understand, who I am
Like them I seek for justice and peace
Symbol of cruelty yet sign of love from heaven above

The old wooden cross
Signify north south east and west who met Jesus in the center
Great or not; man or woman; young and old to him is one
With limitation that need God’s grace

The old wooden cross
Just simple wooden cross yet for all peoples
Christian or not- Jesus they both remember
The greatest among us God’s example of love

The old wooden cross
Yesteryears deadly machine that called the people
To witness the deadly and inhuman punishment
But today calling us to make a prayer, amen

The old wooden cross
In the altar or wherever it would be
Pointing still to heaven like a shining face
Who promised us that death is only for the flesh

The old wooden cross
Through it I am save at last
With it be a follower of him from death to rebirth
By it my old self hanged and am a new man

Jordan Legaspi

Jordan Legaspi

Davao City, Philippines
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