The Only Thing That Stood Still Was Time Poem by JAMES T. ADAIR

The Only Thing That Stood Still Was Time

You knelt beside me
I felt your fingers stroke my back
In soothing shapes you drew
of your heart's own design
but they were part of me
I felt them deep inside
Felt you becoming mine
I slowly nodded off to sleep
the solitude felt so loving and deep
if awake I would surly weep
because your care was so touching
all else of life felt false and cheap
You lingered there in affectionate grace
You kissed my body while I slept
and softly brused it with your soft face
You would have chosen to be with me
Than to be any other place
and that care I could never turn from or replace
You stayed awake till after 3
for that time you were part of me
all your own, nobody else could see
and for a little while you and me were so free
In my dream I awoke to see your gloing smile
To realize you've been there all the while
our bodies meshed together in a gentle pile
not caring if such tenderness is still fashionable or in style
We kissed the softest kiss
Your eyes smiled so softly
No words could we speak
I didn't know if I had slept for hours or for a week
I brushed the moonlight softly from your cheek
and we walked together hand in hand among the stars
where the air was cool and the world so serene
I felt the magic of you and breathed in all it does mean
I felt so alive, so in love and so clean
More than I've ever known or have ever been
Your hand so soft like velvet in mine
Your soft lips wet your heart like a Valentine
I was yours and you were mine
and the only thing that stood still was time

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