The Peace Of Jerusalem Poem by Bob Gotti

The Peace Of Jerusalem

We as Believers are admonished to pray for the peace of Jerusalem,
But how or when, to this troubled city, could true peace ever come?

It has had more bloodshed than any other city in the history of man,
But Jerusalem remains the central focus of The Lord's Eternal Plan.

Dialog with both sides will lead to peace is the world's deduction,
When they say peace and safety they'll only see sudden destruction.

The Arabs talk of peace with Israel, as they desire to destroy them,
And they even talk about making their capital the city of Jerusalem.

True Peace in Israel is not being discussed in any Arab Convention,
But peace my friend will only come through The Lord's intervention.

Israel is seeking peace with her enemies by diplomatic negotiations,
While ignoring God's command not to make a treaty with the nations.

For they need not man in time of need but only for God to intercede,
But again, they lean to others just like Egypt that splintered reed,

Now Christ enthroned in Heaven laughs as the nations plot in vain,
For God's Eternal Plan for His City Jerusalem will remain the same.

Jerusalem has been the capital of Israel for three thousand years,
And through history it's been the focus of Prophets and many seers.

They all pointed to a glorious time, for the greatest to the least,
When Messiah will finally reign on David's Throne to be their Peace.

(Copyright © 07/2002)

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Bob Gotti

Bob Gotti

New Jersey
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