The Planes Are Stuck On The Ceiling / Love Between Father And Child Poem by Sotirios Skoufis

The Planes Are Stuck On The Ceiling / Love Between Father And Child

Near death and the visions
Out of any illusions
Full with all kinds confusions
Inspiring magic

Sometimes funny
Sometimes tragic
Laughing and singing
The oxygene mask is a phone

Is he on a trip, LSD?
Lying prone?
Already space
I want to die too

From cancer leave this race
Talking gibberish
Drinking from baby bottle
Using a scooth

Oh NUK, after so many years
You're again
In my book
In my shopping list

I've created in my life
So much mist
Such a fogue and confusion
A ferry tale

Full of ascension
On to next session
The fusion impassion
With best of intension

An alien invasion
But now I'm at the right place
Now I'm next to Gods grace
Witnessing human

To aerospace
Witnessing how love
Does embrace
Seeing how life death does outface

As love has been here pre-place
At the end of our lifes
it does resurface
If you open you eyes

You can retrace
And you see life
even on a

All the Dr's and nurses they love me
On my knees, head down, hands up
I do pray
And ice cream we eat

My love
I do spray
Games with him

I do play
And the ball
and the volley
We're singing

Indians against cowboys
Are winning
And the planes
Are stuck on the ceiling...

Friday, April 14, 2017
Topic(s) of this poem: cancer,dad,hospital
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