The Plea Poem by Jacob Courtney

The Plea

I lay here in disary and in pain. I try to move but only to feel a firery pain in my stomach. I begin to see flashing lights all around. I don't understand what has happened. I roll to my right and see a person laying there like me. I try to roll him over to see his face. While doing this I realize that I am bleeding yet for some reason I can't stop tring to roll this guy over. some guys crawl up to us and hunch over the two of us. They begin to move their lips to one another then to me with the one over the other guy nodding his head. The one over me move's his lips, but I can't understand him. Some more guys come around us and the flashing light begin to move away. As the guy over me puts things on my stomach I begin to cough up this red stuff. I see this dark figure standing over me. Now I understand what is going on. I can't die here I promised that I was gonna make it back home. NO! ! I can't die here. Please let me stay let me make it home. Please I need to make it back I can't die here. Please I beg you let me live. Don't take me stay away from me stay away. I see this white light coming from somewhere. I fight it as best as I can, but I am still getting closer to it. No matter what I do. I guess there is no avoiding this then.

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