The Prayer That Was Never Said. Poem by Enoch O. Akanji

The Prayer That Was Never Said.

Terrible problem diverged in a troubled heart,
He was confused and have no clue what to do.
And he was advice to solve them one at a time,
Some of them depend on the other for solution,
Three has to be solved simultaneously he said;

Then he solved two instead of three and the one,
became four, the guy became depressed with fear.
If I blow my head, all the problems will be solved
No, the problems will be there for someone else to
solve, you can live and solve the whole problems.

And one sentence will surely made a breakthrough
If you do not know the Lord, problems seems big.
No problem is bigger than God, He is bigger than all
When you look at problem big, God will be little
And when you look at God big, problems are little.

I should be preaching this in a church to the people
Many time, we think we have all power to do all
But we have forgotten, all power belong to our God
In any trouble or problem, call on the name of God,
Say, I praise you, I thank you, forgive me of my sins,
This is my burden, I cast unto you, help me, amen.

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