The Psalm Of The Lost Soul Poem by Daniel Mason

The Psalm Of The Lost Soul

One day i woke up and again he was out in the rain but this time your cryin and you look at me through the Gated windows i can tell somethin was wrong we sat there at that moment and looked at each other in pain i wanted my brother out of the rain i beat on the glass wit shoes and toys but i only had the strength of a boy i cried i screamed but you told me to chill held up a piece of card board that said hide or be killed i didnt understand but i ran straight for the for to notice that it would move no more i hid deep in my closet under the floor then i heard a noise at the door my heart started poundin at the beat of my surroundin and held my breath in between small cries and wipin tears from my eyes i noticed the blood above my thigh but it was nothin severe but all i could hear was gun shots firing and the shake from my fear then someone came digin in the closet i tryed to focus on the sound of the faucet but i was so scared i jumped out of there and noticed my brother pulling his hair a body on the floor a knock at da door my brother said open on a count of four it was big cuz nick name jg he started yellin why u pointin dat at me My bro said its tyme to go he said keep ur voice low jg said im lost where would we go im cunfused my head is going to blow i stood their nervous as my bro raised his gun he said dnt move jg my heart suddenly weighed aton my bro shot things were hot but three of us still stood some one was sneakin up but now his brains are on the wood none of this was good 2 B continued

Daniel Mason

Daniel Mason

Detroit Michigan
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