The Purpose To Share (5-15-20) Poem by Maymay Marie

The Purpose To Share (5-15-20)

My mouth and pen speaks endlessly,
Of the journeys already taken,
Talking of the good news God gives faithfully,
Amidst the storms and sunshine rain.

I do not know why I needed them to do so?
Why bothered to share the light and darkness?
I can just shut my mouth you know,
And hide myself in chamber, and keep the ways.

Why do I need to tell those texts, and events?
I can just shrugged, pretended not seen things,
You see, I do not have time to talk rumors,
For I am busy sharing words of comfort, my honest report.

Even if no one believes, even if I tell myself no,
Never mind, do the right, and be blind,
Be deaf, just pray, work, be happy, enjoy life, go,
Still, as I pray, that call will be my forever guide.

As it is written in the Book, you have to share,
The Word that let you learn, that salvation is a gift,
It is a comfort for others who do not know Christ,
The Savior,
For love is the reason God gives Jesus Christ.

Look at John, in chapter three of verse sixteen,
What is the message of that verse to you?
Have you noticed the Word then?
That Word was the reason Jesus died on the cross for you and for me.

And look at the other Word, believeth, or believe,
Is it that Word refers to trust and faith to Jesus?
Because if you have to do so, you will not perish,
As written in King James Version, and even in others.

Will you believe that Jesus died on the cross, that looked a tree,
Just for you, and for me, because God loves us?
That He sent Jesus to be crucified instead of us?
And look at Romans, chapter six, in verse twenty-three.

Did the word tells us about the wages, or punishment of sin?
Did death is there, that connects to sin, and that is the end?
But just continue, the Word gift is there,
Does it says gift and eternal life from Jesus Christ.

Open your eyes to see how The Creator loves us graciously,
Yes, our life is unfair sometimes, and my belief, may not your belief,
But hey, who gives you food anyway, your job, family, that accepts you endlessly?
Will you believe that it was God, your Creator, your Father, who controls the movement of leaf?

So to share the Word is not bad, I may hurt and in pain,
Because first of all, I experienced it, and it reminded me,
Things to observe is not easy, I myself
Faced them, nothing to point, but I, myself, see.

My aim is for others to see the truth, the one I experienced, walked, in peace, and in noise,
They are not meant for hurt, but of comfort, and reminders,
Like me, if I am weak, I post verse to remind me of God allowed pains, and joys,
So cheer up, God loves you and me, we are His Dears.

Know the purpose, why share then always?
Is it to impress folks, or to express?
God knows it, His calls, His message,
To share is to love others, to know God their Creator, the Master of heaven and earth.

Saturday, May 16, 2020
Topic(s) of this poem: bible,god,inspiration,optimism
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