The Rapture Of The Righteous Poem by Denis Martindale

The Rapture Of The Righteous

My day began like any day without a single care,
Yet in my thoughts I had to pray, for I became aware...
My life had changed, this much I knew, for something made me shake
And this effect just grew and grew until a great earthquake!
Where was my wife? Where was my son? The streets had split in two!
I knew right then I had to run! Where to? I had no clue.
The chaos led to screams and screams as buildings crumbled down
And in the midst of these extremes, a voice I couldn't drown...

'You had been warned a long, long time and it has happened now.'
My life no longer worth a dime because of it somehow...
Then I saw people vapourise, completely disappear!
So many gone before my eyes that I was filled with fear...
The voice declared, 'The ones you love have both been caught away,
The Lord has called them up above, today, this very day! '
The unsaved sought the Christians left, to hold on tight then flee,
They stayed on Earth and felt bereft when God did not agree!

The unsaved wept, right where they were, as if they had no worth,
While Christians left behind a blur as witness to the Earth...
But then the voice called out my name, my body thus obeyed,
I left then saw a holy flame, such that I was afraid...
But wait, it was the Saviour's face! The King of Calvary!
The Lord who died to grant me grace reached out His hand to me...
Lost in that moment for a while, all I could do was kneel...
As I looked up, I saw Christ smile and knew these things were real.

Although I wept for lost Mankind, I knew my sins were waived...
I left the sinful Earth behind, for faith meant I was saved!
I prayed they'd read the Gospel text for Gentile and for Jew...
Christ told me what would happen next, but what more could I do?
Christ led me gently by the hand, explaining verse by verse,
Foretelling what the Lord had planned, before the world got worse!
My family were spared today, my wife, my son and I...
God's Revelations paved the way, in the twinkling of an eye!

Denis Martindale, copyright, June 2012.

This poem is based on the dream of
Leslie Asaiah-Asher as explained here:


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