The Resolute Reality Ring Poem by John Sensele

The Resolute Reality Ring

Sad songs in sad times
Band aid bruises
We feel as climbs and pantomimes
Fail to rouse enthusiasm in cruises

Where our efforts fail to light up
Enthusiasm in partners
Who feel our cup
Does not impress strainers

To extract substance in advance
As we launch into love
With the blinkered eye lance
Assumed it comes from above

When in fact figments of our imagination
By stealth
Creation, action and motion
Promise the health and wealth

Sad songs promise
To patch over disappointments
We face as we miss
Meeting with success appointments

Which in our minds spell and tell certainty
When in fact reality spins
The opposite facets certainty
Pronounces in pins, sins and wins

We can't uncertain
Despite our grandiose belief
That the rain and strain in our pain
Sucks and sacks the mischief

Our past springs on the present
Held at ransom
To represent
At random

A sanitized future
In which struggles
We detect and elect in our culture
Unite with miracles

Sent with angels
From above
Operate so well a particular initiative gels
With love

To ensure love wins
Despite bruises
Love streams
When it sustains in the last lap of its victorious cruises

Despite the sting in the tail
Defeat threatens to spring
In a hail in the salvation sail
That in the end, sad songs ink into our resolute reality ring.

Tuesday, May 1, 2018
Topic(s) of this poem: poems
John Sensele

John Sensele

Ndola, Zambia
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