The Rich And Powerful Poem by Randy McClave

The Rich And Powerful

The rich and the powerful think they are better than you and me
Maybe because we don't have their money,
They don't want to ever pay their taxes like we do
They truly believe that they are better than me and you.
While the needy and the poor and the hungry they never do see.

I see the poor person eating only bread crumbs
Living in poverty and in the slums,
And taxes the rich man doesn't ever want to pay his fair share
Because for others he holds no worries and not one care.
Society sadly judge both classes for their sums.

The rich and the powerful always wants another penny
Where the poor man hasn't any,
The rich will lie and will cheat and steal until the coin is in his pocket
While always wearing a religious locket,
Then the rich and the powerful man will have many.

The rich and the powerful are not any better than us
Remember, we all arrived and we will all leave on the very same bus,
They were just lucky enough to be born into wealth
And into a society where they worry only about their own health.
And then they become more greedy and treasonous.

The rich and the powerful don't want us in their home or on their beach
They want you and me to be out of their reach,
But, when they need and want help they start looking for the working class
To protect what they own, and also to give them cash.
Remember! Matthew 19: 24 what Jesus did preach.

Sadly the rich and the powerful think they are always above the law
But, like a mighty tree they to can and someday will fall,
And the pigeons that was on their branches making a nest
They soon, must find another place to find their rest.
Especially when the Government shows up with a new saw.

Randy L. McClave

Randy McClave

Randy McClave

Ashland, Kentucky
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