The Rose Of Cornwall Poem by Francis Duggan

The Rose Of Cornwall

The Rose of Cornwall is the nickname of Jackie and though over fifty she still looks quite good
And she is witty, kind and very generous and she would only help you if she could
And every one who know her seem to like her and about her none have a bad word to say
And I've been told to help out the less fortunate she has been known to go out of her way.

There is so much to like about dear Jackie I've yet to see her in an ugly mood
She is one of those rare and lovely people who would not even know how to be rude
An English Rose fair as the English hawthorn cloaked in her snow white blossoms of the May
Than her age she looks a few decades younger and through her light brown hair not any gray.

The Rose of Cornwall loved by all who know her and Jackie she makes a new friend every day
She sows the very best seeds of good karma and karma's good fruits her bound to repay
Perhaps her happy disposition keeps her looking younger the passing Seasons on her do not show
She always seems to be so well and happy and she wins you with the warmth in her hello.

Her sons and daughters in their early twenties and she works hard to earn her living pay
And the distinctive Cornwall accent she brought with her is
with her it would seem for the long stay
The Rose of Cornwall lives up to her nickname and despite time's passage she remains a rose
And she has made so many friends far from her Homeland and she'll remain looking young and happiness she knows.

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