The Shame Of It All Poem by J.B. LeBuert

The Shame Of It All

Fighting, bitching and lying all the time,
If it isn't treason, it should be a crime.
Public service has now become self-serving.
Liars, thieves and no-goods, you're really not deserving.

It used to be an honor to serve.
Haven't you got your deviant nerve?
Now you represent the very few,
Most of us already know too much about you.

You only present your narrow views;
The day will come that you will lose.
Your name may go down in history,
Why you weren't hung is a true mystery.

You've taken a great system and broken it.
When they come to get you, on my hands I will sit.
Justice for the many is becoming a lost thought.
Now that you and your cronies have been bought.

Many lobbyists on K Street are the scum of the earth.
And being bought by them just shows what you're worth.
Yours is lower than any other profession.
Will the Lord even listen to your confession?

I doubt that the stink will even come off
After you've finished feeding, at the trough.
You may think that you're really smart?
After this life, is when the fun will really start.

The shame of it all, the shame of it all;
The devil still lives and he's having a ball.
Your conscience is clear, it's all about money.
How wrong you are, that it's not even funny.

The Shame of it All.

J.B. LeBuert

J.B. LeBuert

Kenmore, New York
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