The Sights And Sounds Of Nature Poem by Francis Duggan

The Sights And Sounds Of Nature

I love to hear the rumble of the mighty ocean's roar
As the huge waves wildly crash against the cliff of the foreshore
And I love to hear the skylark carolling upwards as he fly
'Til he becomes a speck of music in the sunny Summer's sky.

I love to see young male roos boxing in the morning sun
To them 'tis deadly serious what to us does seem like fun
One day they will challenge the mob leader in what will be a brutal fight
For to mate with the female kangaroos the winner claims the right.

I love to hear the magpie piping in the dead of night
His pleasant music echoing through the park in the moonlight
His mate is sitting on her eggs in stick nest high on gum tree
And he sings by night and sings by day to proclaim his territory.

I love to watch the yellow robin cling to a trunk of a tree
As with his eyes he searches the undergrowth if insects he can see
Then on silent wings he drops down to seize his tiny prey
The amazing things in Nature that one sees every day.

The sights and sounds of Nature one witness through the year
And so much to love in Nature and so much to see and hear
She is awesome and amazing and our wonder of her grow
And the more we learn of her the less about her we know we know.

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