The Silent Pray Poem by Bradley Lester

The Silent Pray

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I pray that you will sense a kind of peace within you heart
I pray that you will have a day of fun right from the start
I pray that no-one treats you bad talks you down at all
I pray that you will keep your pride to make you stand up tall
I pray that you are rested well, this day has just begun
I pray that you will hear the song to you I have just sung
I pray you feel a sense within of utmost peace and calm
I pray that you will often feel, your cheek against my palm
I pray that you are safe at night, well warm inside your bed
I pray you have a peaceful sleep, this wish inside my head
I pray you laugh so much, your stomach starts to pain
I pray that you dont cry at all, like clouds their tears are rain
I pray that you'll be happy as you ponder on your way
I pray that you will think of me, like me of you today

Muhammad Ali 30 April 2009

It is an honest pray dear Bradley.... and it is for ourself in real.... nice lines.10 -Ali

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Bradley Lester

Bradley Lester

Western Cape, Cape Town
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