The Smaller Child Poem by Bryan Norton

The Smaller Child

When I was but a tiny boy
No sweeter life could I enjoy
Beyond my room, my welcome bed
My refuge in the gloom ahead

Where nothing but the night is black
And black is never dark for lack
Of something bright or greater light
But merely brings a lesser sight

And should a sullen something scratch
Or enter unbeknownst to hatch
A nightmare by my crib or bed
No lack of love appeared instead

But still there grew impending fear
That drew from shadows newly near
To tempt the tender tears of youth
And soon betray a child's truth

"Oh father, please forgive me not
I know what disappointment brought
Is really not a son to be
Someone to make you proud of me

I'm sorry mama made me small
I'm sorry I was born at all
I can't conceive what you deride
But father, how I hurt inside"

Compelling pity suffers more
The senseless shame of years before
When innocence of sense beguiled
Betrayed a pure defenseless child

But though compassion must compare
The passion with the just and fair
The finer folk who bless the young
Cannot redress a mocking tongue

What happens to a child when
Survival means to start again
Without a clue or clear belief
Except in seeking true relief

To do your best is not enough
Especially when love is tough
So tough we often run away
To die again another day.

Tuesday, February 20, 2018
Topic(s) of this poem: childhood ,loss
Bryan Norton

Bryan Norton

Napa, California
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