The Smile Of Earth Poem by Lynn W. Petty

The Smile Of Earth

What's that you say? You say, "There is no God? "
Have you considered what a miracle
Is just the human eye? Reflect on this:
One's sight begins when light waves flood into
The Cornea, passing through the Pupil
To the Lens behind the Iris. There the
Retina, with its Photoreceptors,
Responds to that light converting those waves
Into Electrochemical signals.
These signals move along the Optic Nerve
To reach the Brain. There, they are translated
As vision in the Visual Cortex.
Seven million cells called Cones, provide
Color Information and the sharpness
Of one's view. One hundred twenty million
Cells called Rods, detect white light providing
Chemically, night sight. The brain converts
These signals from the eye, that reconstructs
A pixel map which prints upon the brain,
The image one has set his sight upon.
All this in less time than it takes to blink.
And, through the gateway of one's eyes one sees,
By Grace of God, the physiognomy
Of this globe, her changing moods, her wild grandeur,
Her light, her shaded mellow gloom, as He
Prepares the darkest night for crimson dawn
For you to see the smile of earth, and yet,
I hear you say, "There is no God! ?

Thursday, February 18, 2016
Topic(s) of this poem: religious
Lynn W. Petty

Lynn W. Petty

Newport Beach, California
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