The Symphony Of Music Poem by erie diane

The Symphony Of Music

music has away of projecting
your every-emotion that you
have to give, the art of music
lives inside every-one that wants
to follow it.

the sorrow that it has
gives a symphony of words,
to express the inner-emotions
that music has to expose to
us as we listen to it.

the symphony of music
impacts us as we listen
and compassionately take
it to heart, as we start
becoming involved with
the symphony of music that
is being produced to us.

some-how the art of
music takes us by the
hand and moves us in so
many different ways that we
can't even explain to any-one
that is around us.

we take the symphony of
music as it moves through
us, as we listen with an open
heart and an open mind, and find
the boundaries that combines our
very emotions, thoughts, and feelings,
with the symphony of music that reveals
to us a whole new world of music to
us and being the people of the world.

but what people don't
understand and realise is
that the symphony of music,
goes deeper than what they
had imagined it to go, and
some-how not to show this
bittersweet side of me and
what the symphony of music
does to me and my feelings.

and to have it some-how
over-flowing inside my
veins is some-thing that
i will never-ever talk about
with any-one who knows and
loves me.

Ruth Walters 24 June 2012

Even the beat of your heart and your gentle breathing is music and babies in the womb listen and take comfort to their mother's heart beat so you see, you were born with music in your veins...........enjoy it, dance and above all, never let the music die....... Ruth x

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Desert Life 21 June 2012

Music is a universal language. Even nature has its own music. Nice write.

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