The Touching Prayer Poem by Axley Jade Blaze

The Touching Prayer

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There was once a time, in a world with a stark, bright light
There was an era, now surpassed, but yes—for a time, things were smooth and going right.
There was a place in her brain that she nearly occupied full-time
A place where her soul was safely tucked beneath her mind
Before she surrendered and gave up everything she owned;
Including her thoughts, her heart, her soul, her lips, her limbs, her home!
—To a world so murky, a cold world
How to explain this story? How to be told?
Simplified; the woman was destined to be great
She had control to determine her ultimate fate
Yet, that world vanished, just like that
It was GONE
As she began a tragic ballet—
To Death's final song
She took a plunge; she took a chance
—and that drug it 'took her' at first glance!
Captivated and intrigued was she, as that drug it teased and teased, you see
She wanted this drug more than she wanted to breathe eventually
It became her oxygen, her only lifeline
Yet, she knew it would kill her, all in good time.
So she began to panic, she started to scream,
As she desperately tried to break out of this nightmare, this dream
But, she kept going, she kept on the walk
Yes, she pushed forward until she couldn't even talk!
She begged for her rescue, she screamed for escape
But, this drug just continued to take and to take
Until she was empty, and angry, and beastly, and grim
She fell to her knees, yet she still lived in sin
Screaming, 'why me? '—she searched for her savior
'Please help me, God, do me this favor! '
And she lifted her head and rose as she stared
She witnessed the many faces of those who did care
She wanted to touch them; she wanted to see
She wanted to be able to live and to be—
Somebody wise, ambitions once again that were great
Somebody that she would no longer hate
So she reached out a hand, a finger she grazed
She felt the warmth; she sat there amazed;
Somebody living, somebody alive
She touched somebody who had not yet died
A soul that was real, a soul that was breathing
A soul that was warm rather than freezing
And the finger, it slid across her face
And the girl, she was able to finally erase
All the madness, discomfort, and tears
She deleted the addiction, and with it—all of her fears
And she let in the light so that she could be—
Able to live, and to breathe and be free.

© copyright 2010-2024 The Touching Prayer

The Touching Prayer
Saturday, June 9, 2018
Topic(s) of this poem: addiction,drugs
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