The Try Write Zone! Poem by Denis Martindale

The Try Write Zone!

The English teacher made us write
A poem for the class,
So I went home and wrote that night
And saw the hours pass...
The next day, I returned to School,
My poem to recite,
Although, at first, I felt a fool,
I ended with delight!

The teacher clapped at what I did,
The whole class smiled as well
And from that day, though just a kid,
What stories I can tell!
And later on, when work was done,
I'd go to College, too,
The Writers' Group was so much fun
With tricks and tips to do...

And now, at University,
I strive to prove my skill,
You see, I love all poetry,
I know I always will...
I surf the world wide Internet,
Uploading poems there,
A thousand poems folks can get,
Since I made time to share...

Perhaps, you, too, should learn to write!
Dig deep for truths within!
Dig deep and try with all your might!
Don't give up! Don't give in!
God blesses those who pen their prose
With wisdom and insight...
Until their lives come to a close,
Until they say, 'Good night...'

Denis Martindale 6th of April 2016.

The Try Write Zone!
Wednesday, April 6, 2016
Topic(s) of this poem: writing,poetry
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