The Ultimate Norm

The Ultimate Norm
Ladies and Gentlemen hear is an ultimate norm
The salt –realization and biocentrism norm
The self –realization teaches us:
To end seeing and understanding ourselves as isolated from nature,
The deep ecology sense of self realization;
This is a sense of self realization which requires us to have ability to identify things beyond humanity as part of living things or living entity that deserve intrinsic worth.
Let us count non human world same as part of our lives.
Therefore human does no longer possess sovereign supreme, unlimited role over creation.
Let us collect our mistakes we have inherited from our forefathers as well as in the Judeo-Christian teachings fro the bible.
Firstly we said that nature has no reason for existence save to serve men
And we also said that man is at centre of everything
We often base ourselves by quoting in the bible: to say that God created everything: animals, plants animals, earth and finally man and said that he must role over it and every thing belongs to him.
Then we by pass the modus operandi role which is written on the New Testament: to say that we must also understand the parable of talents and roles of stewardship
Use the available resources in a very wise manner and also understand that failure to use it wisely will lead God to cut it off.
What is now happening is that we are committed to economy and we don’t care with the trends of increasing pollution and global warming
We don’t even care about the fact that our current fossil fuels are undergo extinction
These are non replenishablle resources and once they are gone they will have gone completely
We don’t even like to consider what will happen about our future generations.
Human is human because he cares: so if we don’t care what are we

We tend to view ourselves as superior such that we create some sort of roles that we call moral values
These values are biased in favor of human – and that is to say they are anthropocentric and not eco-centric

Ironically I have discovered that human is not at centre as he may think! ! !
Think about the following article:
Human are million times far and away from being at centre to role and creation of universe
Firstly they are not even capable of producing energy on their own
Think about food pyramids:
It began by plants which are capable of converting solar energy into edible form of energy during its own unique process of called Photosynthesis
Even the replacement of plants at the base of the Pyramid is highly questionable to me:
Firstly of all plant depends on water and sunlight to grow; and it is attached on soil
The sun might somehow at the centre of the beginning of life for that
Because it shines and gives energy to plants which then attributable when we consume plants and other animals
But that does not denies that God is a source of life
For he is the master and a creator of everything: although I shall examine this latter.
Look at the soil and you will agree that everything has reason and deserving same moral worth as human to live undisturbed.
Soil is a product of weathering processes
These are chemical, mechanical and biological weathering
In Mechanical weathering we learn that the action of the sun when it hits and the rock causes it to expand and when it cools the rock contracts: eventually this causes cracks in rock and the rock begins to disintegrate. The action of rain, wind and ice smelt on mountains drives that soil to be grouped to lower levels so that it is made available for plant growth. So do you notice now that I have talked about soil, rain (water) and the sun performing a very important role to ecosystem that eventually sustains all living organism. So why do we put ourselves as too much more important as animals and non-human nature.

The same thing applies to biological and mechanical weathering. So are we really human and if so why do we discriminate and kill our universe.
Do you understand the dangers we are imposing on animal and on our lives for doing that:
Firstly you could have had of growing concerns about young children who are born with cancer diseases and altered genetic mutation.

Do you know what causes that: it is due to the fact that we are too much obsessed with maximizing our economy? We also like domination at the same time. Every time I look at someone or other country I think of how I opt to compare to be same and even overtake it
But at this happens at an expanse of our environment. Yes I give recognition to increased population and resource scarcities sometimes.
But I do not justify the condition whereby we pollute the rivers and fail to eliminate the chemical pollution before it reaches the effluent discharge
By doing that we kill the aquatic life and we do also kill ourselves – think about the fact that we often consume aquatic life such as fishes.
Everything happens to nature is an environmental crisis on its own, in our modern Capital Universe.
For example think about fishing activities
We like fishes very much because these provide us with rich nutrients and I mean protein.
Now we have developed technological advanced method of fishing that is not eco-friendly
For example we use fossil fuels to drive ships and for electricity on account of fish storage
The worse of all is that we overfish and we have extinct tons and tons of fish species. Why are we failing to give animals right as we do have developed our own rights?
By saying that I do not mean that we have to stop eating animals; but we need to found method of utilizing resources I a more sustainable manner but We need to accept that everything in the biosphere has an equal right to live and blossom and rich their own individual forms of unfolding and self realization.
I want to say that again that I don not mean we must stop eating animals: for some other animals are capable of consuming other animals. And we also need to think that if we say people must stop eating animals and practice vegetarianism we are directly saying that the tropical rainforest as a living entity does not deserve right to live as a part of a living entity. The so-called absolute vegetarianism is absolutely meaningless to me when we think from ultimate norm perspective
So by saying we should extend our morality to count nature as same as human we mean that we must treat nature in the sustainable manner. Let understand that there are Keystone species in nature and they deserve to be protected by us as human being. The nature itself benefits from us and we do also benefits from the nature. In America they have astonished us in the previous decades for overfishing the almond fishes which are now facing risk of extinction. It is found that the largest ever fish to be catch was about 100 pound. The largest fishes are said to look for other animal fishes against the attack from the big sharks and when the biggest fishes are eliminate d the young ones are exposed a t risk. In fact a species that plays a crucial role in the functioning of its ecosystem or that has a disproportionate influence on the structure of its ecosystem. These animals are noticed when they disappear in the universe and mark the onset of the tragic disturbance in the ecosystem functioning. Many forms of keystone species have been undermined by human activities and marked the beginning of ecosystem dysfunctioning and possible extinction
Crazy things are going to happen toe this universe in the two or three decades to come due to our overconsumption. This will not be because the universe is failing to sustain all of us simultaneously but it will be because of our mode of production and I mean capitalism.

Let us begin now to treat the Nature the same way we treat ourselves. Let us take care of nature and it will take care of us. Stop pollution and energy over consuming methods rather use alternatives. Energy is not about money but it is independent of that. That is more evident with electricity and fossil fuels shortages in this millennium period s. I do emphasizes that I do not mean that people should now sto consuming animals but we need to treat them in the same way as we would like to be treated. That would be stupid since other animals kill animals for food.To stay safety I should say that we must know that there are some limitations and in nature. Kill the animal if it brings about the force of good – for example if that is going to help human lives at risk. But I do not justify the use of animals to prove the well known theories. When the animals are at risk of extinction they must not be used even though that will save human, since we are now equal and there is no one who deserve to be totally extinct

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