The Waiting Game Poem by Tsani Jones

The Waiting Game

Rating: 5.0

Today I dusted my
Shelves and cleaned
The house.
I smiled and softly
Sang all of the old
Songs that kept my
Heart aloft while I've waited.

All of my clothes
Live on one side of the
Little closet, the
Other side an empty hole.
Your toothbrush on the
Bathroom counter, still unopened.

We've almost won the Waiting Game.

I've wondered and wandered,
Borne faith, lost hope,
And found it right where I left it.
But today you come home,
And all of the questions we ever
Asked will be answered.

Few have understood,
Most think I'm crazy,
How can you love someone you've never met?
But I've tried to find you
In every face I've seen
And every gentle embrace.

Every misguided kiss,
Every lonely heartbreak,
All those times my
Soul cried out aloud
For you, and only you.
I guess it wasn't time.

But that's the Waiting Game.

Tonight, under
The waning moon,
Blare of streetlamps,
And the weaving rain,
We step blindly into
Sunshine and roses.

It's a funny world
That we live in,
Where you can make the
Stormclouds disappear with
A little love and dedication,
But so few ever learn how.

I've cried, I've bled,
I've endured, survived,
And dug up faith in my darkest hours.
You never knew, never had a clue,
But your heart longed for me too,
And tonight is the first night of the rest of our lives.

Thus our Game shall finally end.

I know when I look into your eyes,
The first scent of your skin,
The first taste of your lips.
That moment reality sets in,
And we know miracles do happen,
The day this house becomes a home.

So, my love,
Be brave, and step with confidence,
Let your heart lead you to me.
Follow your gut
And throw caution to the wind,
Because we've waited too long.

***** ********* 05 April 2006

Patience is definitely paid in dividends Tsani, when playing the waiting game. A wonderfully fulfilling poem for you both. 10 from still playing! Tai

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Tsani Jones

Tsani Jones

Atlanta, Georgia, United States
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