Then And Now Poem by Lora Colon

Then And Now

The wind blows in a harsh manner now,
But I recall when it caressed me
As sweetly as love's kiss on my brow,
And angels smiled while Heaven blessed me

Promises of love were there to seize,
So I carried my cross up the hill,
Who would not suffer for dreams like these
While Fate scribbled with its golden quill?

But those days have long since departed,
Around me a veil of darkness fell,
By sorrow my course is now charted,
Love sighed its last, then whispered farewell

Birdsong no longer delights my heart,
Children's laughter now fills me with rue,
The Divine Playwright rewrote my part
And I must act as I'm bid to do

I find thorns where roses used to be,
Hope's promise no longer rides the air,
I pray this not be my destiny,
Yet, tears fall with every foolish prayer

Am I forever bound by this chain,
Will love's memory haunt me 'til I die?
At times I can scarcely bear the pain,
So please.... pardon me while I cry

Thursday, October 6, 2016
Topic(s) of this poem: love and life
Bri Edwards 09 October 2016

favorite line so far: While Fate scribbled with its golden quill? and Yet, tears fall with every foolish prayer [btw: don't roses usually grow right next to thorns? ? ? better buy some new garden stock! ] consider yourself 'pardoned'! ========================== A Lora Poem Almost every Lora poem i've read, causes me to gently bow my big head, and say a prayer: one that is rarely said. God, take Lora now; she's better off.......dead! bri :) i like to make mischief out of your 'misery'! i can't help myself, nor you, too much.

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Lora Colon

Lora Colon

Missouri - United States
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