There Goes The Neighbourhood! Poem by Denis Martindale

There Goes The Neighbourhood!

When God gave Man the planet Earth,
As Genesis declares,
Man sinned, no longer proving worth,
Despite a billion prayers,
So even now, within this age,
Man sins at Earth's expense,
Such that Man stagnates at this stage,
When life does not make sense.

When God gave Man the gift of life,
As Genesis explains,
And then gave Eve to be his wife,
That meant two minds and brains,
So two opinions then began
Deciding what to choose,
Then sabotaged God's perfect plan,
Such that sin was let loose.

When God gave Man the gift of love,
As Genesis proclaims,
Somehow Man thought that not enough,
For Man had higher aims,
To know as only God could know,
To rule and not to serve,
But from such choices, all sins grow,
And taint the planet Earth.

Thus wars are fought, then peace returns,
But sorrows fester on,
Then comes one truth each person learns,
At times, all hopes have gone,
Unless Man changes for the best,
This world will suffer more,
Without the money to invest,
Greed proves the final straw.

The politicians must decide,
Then changes Man must make,
Alas, the money seems to hide,
Not giving Earth a break,
And so the oceans fill with waste,
The forests disappear,
Until the time the truth is faced,
Man's final days are here.

Denis Martindale. January 2022.

There Goes The Neighbourhood!
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