There Is Only One Truth Poem by Janice M Pickett

There Is Only One Truth

Rating: 2.8

Spirit has always been, it is as one with all
The Earth is simply a training ground
I like to call it School

Before arrival here on Earth
all decisions have been made
the journey blessed by our loving father
and the path so clearly laid

For spirit cannot do all things
nor become a guardian angel
until it has every human experience
and known life from every angle

We are as one within our God
and God is within us too
through his light and compassion
you're in me and I'm in you

We are as one upon this earth
where training can be hard
But we chose to come and experience
every inch and every yard

When we return to spirit
and see the beauty
that awaits our return
We will understand the reason
for the lessons we had to learn

Daryl Young 24 March 2009

Wow, very cool. I loved the flow of your peom. Beautiful ending and great 'truth'. I have a poem called 'The Truth' I'd like you to read and tell me what you think. I hope you like it. Thank you. Rabbit

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Janice M Pickett

Janice M Pickett

Middlesex England
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