There Is Such A Fine Line Poem by Denis Martindale

There Is Such A Fine Line

Between the conversation style,
Things thought out, tongue-in-cheek,
The limericks that helped us smile,
The sagas termed unique,
The prophets with each future sign,
The children with their own,
There has always been a fine line,
As poets must have known.

Should poets aim to simplify,
Or complicate the text,
Enhance it, or to magnify,
So readers stay perplexed?
Should poets strive for excellence,
In keeping with the best,
And seek a noble elegance,
As if the final quest?

Should poets write for children, too,
Or adults in their prime,
For those who seek the in-depth view,
Or those with much less time?
To earn the wisdom to discern
The full spectrum or range,
Perhaps each poet needs to learn
Each style that he must change?

The grammar skills we all should gain,
The disciplines to choose,
The only words that must remain,
The only words to lose.
The editing that must get done,
The first draft that must go,
The final battle faith has won,
Such truths great poets know!

Denis Martindale. July 2021.

There Is Such A Fine Line
Saturday, July 10, 2021
Topic(s) of this poem: writing
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