These Things Take Time Poem by Melissa Ferrer

These Things Take Time

I was born and raised in misery
Thats right misery
The bitter misery
Of New york City

But your in florida
you say
How could you have been
raised in the misery of NYC
Ha young one you fail to understand that
Just because you leave the misery
Doesnt mean the misery leaves you

Now let me tell a little story
About the great misery
that followed me
from NYC

At first we were happy
here in the suburbs of florida
We was back down in West Palm Beach then.
We had gotten a new car and everything
Oh yes siree were we right happy

But as they say
Once you start loving something to much
then it gotta go
and boy were we
lovin that happiness
A little to much I guess
Cuz it came! !
And... it went.

It all came down to three
unfortunate events.

Unfortunate event #1

We were off to the beaches of miami
My mom, my sister, my neice, and i
It must not have been our day
because as soon as we
drove out of our suburbian neighborhood
our lives changed for the worse.

The car flipped over twice
My neice flew from the window
Hit on the side
by a semi...
That leads to many
shortcomings and unfortunate Even #2
Dont be fooled we are all ok
Physically any way

Unfortunat Event #2

My niece and my sister
her mother of course
were forced to stay down here
due to the accident
you see
she couldnt fly in the air
Well after a while
my sis was sucked in
into a world of drugs sex and lies
and she was played
so she commited suicide
so they say
my mom couldnt stand it
and so she moved
Which leads to
unfortunate event #3
to tampa she went
with my sisters close
she was happy as she could
fathom to be.

Unfortunate event #3

So my mom got sick
and i didnt know
how serious it could get
so for a while
she was throwing up
and spending all day in bed
She went to the hospital
and that was the end
she lasted a month
and then she was gone
she was a mother a grandma a sister and a friend
Now ill never again hear her sing her sweet mamas song

So that it for me
And you can plainly see
is all i have
and misery
is all ill be

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