Think With Your Heart Poem by Siim Andreas Peter Saarva

Think With Your Heart

You ain't got a bright future, as it looks now,
But I am always by your side, and we'll make it in somehow,
So many troubles, and things that should be right,
And we ain't got nothing soon, so we have to fight,
But you know, just as well as me, that we are strong together,
You and me, together we will struggle, and we will make it better,
I just don't want you to leave me, cause I'm addicted with you,
I love you with my whole heart, and we will make it in a few,
Just don't give up on me, and leave me behind,
You are very important, and you're like one of a kind,
For me, you will always be a role model,
All the abilities you got, making you a strong woman,
I really wish, that I could do something, just to cheer you up,
But our life, is just like getting highest on a mountain top,
The higher we get, the harder it is to breath,
But atleast we are on the mountain, and not underneath,
We will find, a perfect place to camp, and then a perfect cliff,
On the cliff, we will settle down, we will be so happy, just imagine if,
Actually, there ain't no if, cause I can see a happy future,
Some people have it hard, that's the life in nature,
But we are strong, so we will fight, and get what we want,
I am trying to see you in Spain, but I just can't,
You might get alittle happy there, but no family, so I don't think so,
Here we are giving you love, so please, don't go,
I just want you to know, that I am always here for you,
We will live a full life, and we will make it through,
I wish I could tell you, just what to do,
I want you to know, I really love you, I promise it's true,
There's alot to do, but I am not you, and you are not me,
It is your decission, and the right one, will set us free.

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