This Goes Out To My Dad By Gio Masserati Poem by Gio Masserati

This Goes Out To My Dad By Gio Masserati

For you Dad,
I Miss You!
The years gone by we could have had
The days I missed having you as my dad

The times we were sad
The times I was sad- -those times you were sad
The days we were glad
The times we pretended to not be mad

The years we weren't so close
Those are the days I miss the most

For the minutes I had you, I am grateful, dad

For even being able to say I had a dad
Many times I didn't know
On Father's day, I'd say not so
For even knowing I had 'a' dad
Made life seem happier than it ever had

The memories we'll never make
I pray the Lord your soul did take

Some special days I sure miss you
Like days like today when I was blue
For fires and firemen remind me of you

Remembering all the last moments we had
The cancer that eats the good and the bad
Then the future days we never had
Those times when a girl needs her dad
You will always be forever my dad

Reflecting on the hours we have missed
I send you a Loving Goodnight Kiss
I Love you Dad!

- - To the future we will someday have

This Goes Out To My Dad   By Gio Masserati
Tuesday, September 5, 2017
Topic(s) of this poem: assurance,cancer,dad,daddy,father daughter,fires,future,girl,good night,heaven
This poem is in Honor of my fallen father
Into the arms of my other Father's angels
Bat Chief...Battalion Chief-Instructor-Father-Husband-Son-Brother-Friend
R.L.G....a earthly father
Died too young at age 51
-I love you!
Your daughter
We Love You Firemen!
I'm so thankful for our firefighters
forget about this smoky haze
they've been out there every day and night
all swore to protect and save
Thank you all for fighting fires for us
I Love You Fireman!

Until I see you again in heaven dad...
Your legacy was to teach and save people from 'earthly fires'
My legacy will be to teach and keep people out of the 'fires of hell'
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