This Person Poem by Tia Thompson

This Person

Lately I've been feeling alone.
Dark and gloomy nights.
Days where I can't remember who I am.
Moments where I have short memory spans.
Can't seem to figure out why I'm here,
Or even if I belong.
I know things are different,
But can someone tell me whats changed?
Am I losing my mind?
Losing my life?
Losing myself?
Everything's so confusing.
My mind is spinning with questions.
My heart beaiting with such ferocity.
Feels like I'm dreaming.
I'm running from myself.
I'm running from life.
I'm running from those who want to help.
No-One knows what goes through my mind.
What I'm feeling when I'm crying.
I can always smile and say I'm okay,
But who would be the fool to believe me?
Do you see the tears in my eyes?
Hears the sobs escaping my lips?
The look of sadness my eyes hold?
The stories my eyes can tell with just one glance.
The pain many have caused me.
No-one whom I can speak to.
Not one person who withstand me.
Dreams of becoming more than I came from.
Making those who doubted me,
Doubt no more.
Imagine a laughing child,
Now imagine her crying.
Hurt and bleeding.
No-one noticing she's gone.
Taken from her what was meant to be hers forever.
Years go by and it happens again and again.
She covers pain with smiles and laughs.
The things people say are like bandaides.
Isolating herself for reasons unknown to them.
They send her away to others for help.
But it's too late.
She's too far gone.
Gone with strong winds.
Blowing in skies no-one can each.
The day comes where she can no longer take life.
Late in the night,
With the moon high in the sky,
She goes into the kitchen.
Standinq over the sink,
She wishes it all away.
The pain, lies, deceit, and doubt.
She dreams of soft clouds and precious love.
No-one who sits and judges.
A lost love.
She reaches into the kitchen drawer,
Withdraws a knife.
She says goodbye to the air,
Her goodbye to the world.
She slices once,
Slices twice,
Falls to the ground and sees the lights.
Following her hearts strongest desire,
She goes to it.
One glance back,
and one last step toward forever.
For the first time in her life,
It all feels right.
Mnay may think people can overcome hard times,
But like you,
Everyone is different.
This is one person,
Who unlike you,
May not get the chance to speak about what she felt.

Fred Babbin 27 March 2010

I've been there, done that. Very, very seriously, you must get professional help. there is plenty of it out there. You need a professional person who will LISTEN and unerstand your problem. Maybe you already have and this is therapy I wish you all the luck.

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