This Season’s Colour Is Black Poem by Fles

This Season’s Colour Is Black

Breaking down frontiers of emotional low
Bleeding to death without stemming the flow
Re-opening cuts to examine the wound
Knowing without what I’m losing I’m doomed
Frailty so sweet that it burns on my tongue
Once more by love’s poisoned dart I’ve been stung
Can’t see any way out - no route to requition
Heart enslaves me once more and I bow in submission

Hopeless, hopeless I stumble and fall
At the foot of this wholly impenetrable wall
Which separates my soul from its every desire
I turn to face hell and walk into the fire

This is the kind of burning passion’s really all about
If you can’t learn how to win then you learn to do without
Without a chance, a hope, a dream, to live without ambition
To live alone - no-one to share your cool thoughts of sedition

No prizes for guessing which way my mind’s bound
My thoughts lead me down, down and deeper on down

Somebody tell me why I can’t chase a dream that I can reach
You’d think I’d learn from experiences but futility’s all mine teach

Watch me break down and cry
Watch me curl up and die

Dedicated to the memory of the unattainable dream
But death is only death and things ain’t always all they seem


Brian Jani 15 May 2014

Fles nice poem I enjoyed it

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