This Secret Sin Poem by Vincent Igwilo

This Secret Sin

Rating: 5.0

I am not a preacher
Neither am I a teacher
But I think am worth listening to
For I know a part
Of this ungodly fart
Secret sin

It sounds too ordinary
But can last for a decade
For as we strive to conceal it
We forget to perceive its effort
In making us passive

Holy were you oh man
Till you were infected with this great folly
But still holy thou appear
For men cannot read the thought of the heart
But foolishly judge on the sight of man

Delicious but yet infectious
For you make men dwell in infatuation
Without a thought of perfection
Nor hope of salvation and resurrection
But to keep falling into guttation
Of your false foundation

Like a parasite
You search for a good site to devour
And like a pest
You put all mankind to a test
If I see you in person
I will charge you for treason

For all you make men do
Is ponder and wonder
On what a finer sinner
They came to be.

Tuesday, June 28, 2016
Topic(s) of this poem: advice
Subhas Chandra Chakra 28 June 2016

Like a parasite You search for a good site to devour And like a pest You put all mankind to a test Beautiful poem. loved it.10 for sharing the poem.

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