Thoughts Poem by Mahalaxmi Naidu


You think differently,
definitely not like me,
I think differently,
Unlike you, certainly.
Why not revere thoughts of each other,
which is inimitable and beyond doubt not similar.
Your thoughts are full of purity and harmony,
it’s clearly of life on earth to be same as heaven above,
my thoughts are more matter-of-fact,
I rummage around for the ways to improve the world.
Don’t mix-up with my words, not an attempt to contempt your thoughts,
just trying to introduce you with your own thoughts.
Very often we think all is so very beautiful,
but fail to get into the depth and ensure the root.
There’s lot to be changed in this world,
Humans are killing humans in the name of caste and creed.
Some do it for the sake of money, a matter of greed.
None setting example, none exist to lead.
blocked are minds, blocked are ways
Money is that all want, a driving craze
let's combine thoughts of yours and mine
precious is life, let us remind
lets be kind, lets be kind
a message to humankind
live and let live,
in this we shall believe
lets spread peace and love,
all over the world, also be known
that nothing belongs to anyone,
empty hands we arrived
empty hands we got to depart
none belongs to any one
No one owns this world

- By Mahalaxmi Naidu
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Mahalaxmi Naidu

Mahalaxmi Naidu

Mumbai / presently in Dubai, UAE
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