Thoughts Of A Troubled Mind Poem by Jordan Cunningham

Thoughts Of A Troubled Mind

I used to be such a happy boy
I played, had fun and most of all i smiled
I had great adventures with friends; I thought it would last forever
I had no idea what the future had in store for me
What I would give to go back there when people didn't fade away
When I felt secure and safe, like no one could hurt me
Where happiness was just waking up in a morning and having my breakfast
Where love was simple and the world seemed a warm place
The world seems cold and bitter to me now
Something is missing; I had waited so long for love and then as soon as it came, it went
It faded away, i need the security that belonging brings
I feel selfish that the love of my family isn't enough for me
The people who have never disappeared and show I belong and yet I write this
People say they care but they never show it, they say words they don't mean
I hardly eat anything for breakfast anymore; I notice things I never saw before
My body which I have come to have mixed feelings about
I ask a lot of questions of myself which I don't have any answers for, who am I?
The only question I know the answer for at the moment is what I need to be happy
The love of another human being, it's that simple yet it's so hard to acquire
I've felt how it feels to love someone and feel that love is being reciprocated back
It's beautiful and I want nothing more than to get that feeling back
When I felt someone loved me it made everything seem so manageable
IL search forever to get that feeling again and I've come to accept I may never get it
But as long as I live there's hope and love is worth the fight and I will never stop fighting

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