Thoughts Of Him Poem by Bob Gotti

Thoughts Of Him

Yes my friend, there's only one, He is Almighty God's Eternal Son.
Yes indeed He's coming again, so are you really ready my friend?
You can be filled with His Power, in this dark and crucial hour.
What ever you are contemplating, He comes to those who are waiting.
With a heart filled with love, you can be fit for The Kingdom above.

The only way to truly start is to accept The Lord into your heart.
If your decision is truly sincerely, you will have nothing to fear.
From the cross He has one plea, believe in Me and I'll set you free.
The Cross is something to cherish, for without we all would perish.
For Christ Jesus died upon a tree, for sinful people like you and me.

His words to us are very clear, the reason why we're left down here.
I was bought with an awesome cost, to seek out those who are lost.
Jesus filled me with compassion to win, those around me lost in sin.
He teaches me Truth so I may impart words of life to a needy heart.
Christ leads me to an open heart, so His Words of Life I can impart.

He gave me such a deep desire, to snatch lost souls from the fire.
He shed His blood on The Cross, so we would not suffer Eternal loss.
With His blood He cleanses sin, and the entire world belongs to Him.
All who choose to simply mock, will be crushed by The Eternal Rock.
And they will suffer Eternal Loss, for they were bought at The Cross.

(Copyright © 03/2003)

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Bob Gotti

Bob Gotti

New Jersey
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