Threnody For Pa Merije Poem by ChiMark Sunlight Ndubuisih

Threnody For Pa Merije

Oh death! , fearless finisher
Who was not called to strike
It came in silent breeze
And took our prominent Pa
Who could have seized the
Power of the angel of death?

At the stable of the parliament
Your ingenuity prided its skills
A peaceful elder state man for
Many you wouldn't have gone
Who dared query the whistle in
The fury heart of an unforgiven ghost?

You were the subject of praise to us
And now an thundering storm of agony
We cry smokes as if we are smokers
Even our eyes have sunk in moist of tears
Watering the arid ground now opaque mud
Only your ex-presence shall tell tidings of you

In our country, many are there for Nigerians
But scarcely few have us in their curious heart
You were the eye for the eastern natives
Sent by the interest for the interest of his people
Another heroic document have ye as an indelible gem
How I wish we could turn the table around for once?

We shall not die from stormy tears that storm our eyes
If it was not that consuming disease, sky could have been
Your starting nunnery of life eternity in the garden heart
I put it to the ghost chest for it heartless action in our world.

It was once that it came to you pa!
Just once that balloon many to crystalize in dirge
Furious, furious for your timely exit because of cancer
Oh dead! learn to consider, if not, wear glass on your tour
Oh death! oh malignant cancer of human cells surrender!

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